


For a list of all the options try ./tcpcam –help. The following is the basic usage.

One computer works as server, one as client. The computer working as server is the one with the TCP port 7766 open. In the server side just run the program using the following command line:


If you don’t have a webcam use ./tcpcam -n, if you don’t have a sound board use ./tcpcam -a, and -an if you lacks both of course 😉 (receive-only-mode)

In the client side write instead:

./tcpcam -c

Of course you have to change the address with the real internet address of the user you want to chat with.

If the server are using a different port you can specify it using ./tcpcam -c address:port.

The client side can use -n and -a options like the server side in order to exclude support for audio and/or video.

REMEMBER!: Once connected you need to press the SPACEBAR in order to switch between your webcam and the remote webcam.


  • spacebar: toggle between your webcam and the remote webcam.
  • 0,1,2, …, 9: switch compression level
  • p,o,i,u,y: switch webcam resolution
  • f: toggle full screen
  • b: toggle black&white; mode
  • enter: get a screenshot saved as /tmp/tcpcam-(timestamp).jpg
  • q: quit the application